Monday, October 29, 2012

3rd grade presentation- Tecuci

Dear friends, this is the presentation made by my colleague Nela. She has some problems to log in on the blog , so I promised her to publish it .


  1. Nela, thank you very much for very nice presentation.Good work children from Tecuci.

  2. Children have fun and learn at the same time. Great presentation!

  3. Dear Valy, Nela and pupils, thank you very much for the great video! Your children are so active and talent!
    Best wishes from Reny, Darina and kids! :)

  4. Well done, Nela! Your pupils know a lot of english; very good!
    Tell me about the problem to publish in our blog. Your name, Nela, is already in the group of contributors; what do you cannot do?
    Valy and Nela, tell me, ok?

  5. Dear Nela, Valy and pupils, thank you very much for the great work. We'll watch your video tomorrow with pupils. They will be very happy and appreciate a lot.
    Big hugs to all of you.


Thank you for your opinion!